- Links -

www.studentspace.aau.dk: Web portal for all student space acitivities at Aalborg university

Rummet.dk: The danish web-portal about all related to space

DTUSat: The homepage of the other danish CUBESAT-project, which is under development at Denmarks Technical University

Rumfart.dk: The danish astronautical society

DSRI: The Danish Space Research Institute - which is responsible for negotiating the launch contract for the two danish cubesats and they are kind to lend their expertise when needed

CUBESAT-Homepage: The official cubesat homepage. Includes links to all other cubesat projects.

Stanford University: The homepage of Stanford University. The university that invented the CUBESAT-concept

SPENVIS-Homepage: SPace ENVironment Information System - An ESA website containing informations and models about space environment

Eurockot-Homepage: The homepage for the Eurockot-rocket, that will launch AAU-cubesat into space

KOSMOTRAS-Homepage: The homepage for the Dnepr-rocket, which also is used to send CUBESATs into space.

MIEMA-Homepage: Another space project at the university - Selected for ESA's 6th student parabolic flight campaign

ADAROS-Homepage: Another space project at the university - Participated in ESA's 5th student parabolic flight campaign

- Downloadable Material -

CUBESAT-Homepage documents section: The official and most current Cubesat specifications.

Byg din egen Satellit: A document published by the Danish Space Research Institute (DSRI) in connection with the science-festival in 2000. It contains some general informations about developing a satellite. (PDF-file in danish(!))

Project Catalogue AAUSat: The initial project catalogue for the AAU CUBESAT project (PDF-file in english)

Proposal for AAU CUBESAT mission and payload Some ideas that were considered for the mission(PDF-file in english)

Solar System